2009 Casey Award Banquet
The 27th Annual CASEY Awards Banquet was held Sunday March 7, 2010 in Cincinnati at Boomerang's Sports Bar & Grill. As usual, the crowd enjoyed perusing the more than 150 baseball books (all published in 2009) on display; did an amazing job answering the questions in the shout-it-out baseball trivia quiz; and delighted in the antics of BALLZAK, the Magnificent, played by host Dennis "Wildman" Walker. Spitball unveiled the new CASEY Award, a beautiful blue & natural Louisville Slugger imprinted with gold lettering and logos; and the winner of the first new CASEY Award, Larry Tye, treated everyone to a rousing lecture on the subject of his winning book, Satchel Paige. Robert Reising, co-author of Chasing Moonlight: The True Story of Field of Dreams' Doc Graham, was also in attendance, accepted a Nomination Award, and spoke about the subject of his book. The Banquet capped off another great year for baseball literature and set the stage for a promising new season of baseball and baseball books. (all photos by Meg Patterson)